Research Studies
The following section contains some of the latest published studies on clinical uses of thermography. There are many more current studies in other areas of medicine, but for our purpose the focus here is on studies that specifically involve cancer and the human breasts. In addition to these and other studies, there is a body of research on thermography that spans more than thirty years. The research findings are intriguing, and attached studies are just a few that bring the research into the relevance of current leading-edge technology.
Twenty five year followup for breast cancer incidence and mortality of the Canadian National Breast Screening Study: randomized screening trial
During the five year screening period, 666 invasive breast cancers were diagnosed in the mammography arm and 524 in the controls, and of these, 180 women in the mammography arm and 171 women in the control arm died of breast cancer during the 25 year followup period.
Effectiveness of a noninvasive digital infrared thermal imaging system in the detection of breast cancer.
In this prospective clinical trial, 92 patients for whom a breast biopsy was recommended based on prior mammogram or ultrasound underwent DITI. Three scores were generated: an overall risk score in the screening mode, a clinical score based on patient information, and a third assessment by artificial neural network.
Monitoring tumor state from thermal images in animal and human models.
Thermography is a potentially useful method for tumor progress monitoring since it is noninvasive, nonradiative, low-cost, and rapid. Perfusion and metabolism are dominant factors for determining tumor temperature difference and are also correlated to the tumor’s growth rate. Therefore, estimating them from the tumor thermal image can be a very useful tumor monitoring method, since thermal changes occur before physical changes.
Evaluation of digital infra-red thermal imaging as an adjunctive screening method for breast carcinoma: a pilot study.
Early screening plays a pivotal role in management of breast cancer. Given the socio-economic situation in India, there is a strong felt need for a screening tool which reaches the masses rather than waiting for the masses to reach tertiary centers to be screened. Digital infra-red thermal imaging (DITI) or breast thermography as a screening test offers this possibility and needs to be carefully assessed in Indian scenario.
Assessing the Potential of Thermal Imaging in Recognition of Breast Cancer.
Breast cancer is a common disorder in women, constituting one of the main causes of death all over the world. The purpose of this study was to determine the diagnostic value of the breast tissue diseases by the help of thermography.
Advanced integrated technique in breast cancer thermography.
Thermography is a passive and non-contact imaging technique used extensively in the medical arena, but in relation to breast care, it has not been accepted as being on a par with mammography. This paper proposes the analysis of thermograms with the use of artificial neural networks (ANN) and bio-statistical methods, including regression and receiver operating characteristics (ROC).
Thermography based breast cancer detection using texture features and minimum variance quantization.
In this paper, we present a system based on feature extraction techniques and image segmentation techniques for detecting and diagnosing abnormal patterns in breast thermograms. The proposed system consists of three major steps: feature extraction, classification into normal and abnormal pattern and segmentation of abnormal pattern.
The accuracy of digital infrared imaging for breast cancer detection in women undergoing breast biopsy.
Mammography has a lower sensitivity for breast cancer detection in younger women and those with dense breasts. Recent improvements in digital infrared breast imaging suggest there may be a role for this technology and we have studied its performance in 100 women prior to breast needle core biopsy (CB).
Full Intelligent Cancer Classification of Thermal Breast Images to Assist Physician in Clinical Diagnostic Applications
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women. The important key to treat the breast cancer is early detection of it because according to many pathological studies more than 75% – 80% of all abnormalities are still benign at primary stages; so in recent years, many studies and extensive research done to early detection of breast cancer with higher precision and accuracy.
Mammograms Not Saving Lives
What good does mammogram screening for breast cancer actually do? According to one major new study, not a lot. Mammograms are seeing cancers that are unlikely to develop— yet the discovery nonetheless triggers courses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy— and missing the life-threatening ones.
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