We provide you with answers using state-of-the-art technology in thermal body & breast health screening.

Get some answers. Take a 5min baseline breast cancer risk assessment.

We provide you with answers using state-of-the-art technology in thermal body & breast health screening.

Get some answers.
Take a 5min baseline breast cancer risk assessment.

We provide you with answers using state-of-the-art technology in thermal body & breast health screening.

Get some answers.
Take a 5min baseline breast cancer risk assessment.
Not sure what thermography is?
safe and non-invasive screening technique that can detect signs of breast disease up to ten years earlier than is possible using mammography.
Scans that provide your next steps
The results of the thermal scan provides physicians a starting point to pursue more testing or treatment.
Not sure what screening is?
safe and non-invasive screening technique that can detect signs of breast disease up to ten years earlier than is possible using mammography.
Scans that provide your next steps
The results of the thermal scan provides physicians a starting point to persue more testing or treatment.
Thermography is also safe and effective for
full body scans to detect possible disease or physiological markers and signs of thermal imbalance on the skin surface can help locate thermal activity that could be related to skin abnormalities.
The reasons why more women trust Thermal Imaging.

There is No Radiation
Thermography records the heat your body gives off and uses no radiation.

Early Detection
Thermography detects physiological changes years before mammography would detect lumps or bumps.

Approved By the FDA
1982 FDA approved thermography as an adjunctive breast screening procedure.

We Don’t Touch You
Our screening process does not compress or hurt!

Quick & Easy
Breast exams are about 30min long. Full body exams last about 1 hour.
“I had my full body scan done by Body and Breast Thermal Imaging, LLC. I did not know quite what to expect at this appointment. I was pleasantly surprised at the professionalism with which my appointment was handled. I was made to feel at ease and the whole process was pretty quick. I like knowing that I will be able to “see” what is going on in my body!”

Women At Risk
A very important area of consideration is the neglected category of women under the age of 40. There are over 20,000 cases of breast cancer in this age group each year in the USA. When cancer occurs in a younger woman it is usually a much more aggressive form, and less likely to respond to treatment. There is currently no routine screening test for women under 40, and Thermography is an excellent test for these women since there is no radiation emitted. Annual exams are recommended starting at 20 years of age.
Arizona Cancer Screening Center
Get In Touch With Us.
Body and Breast Thermal Imaging
Phone Number
(480) 395-9695
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
by appointment only
2405 E Southern Ave #5
Tempe, AZ 85282-7611
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